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New posts in strategy-pattern

Does the Strategy Pattern violate the Single Responsibility Principle?

Should safe pointers be used in strategy pattern?

C++ Strategy Design Pattern, making an interface array

Dynamic Service Strategies in AngularJS

Avoiding coupling with Strategy pattern

Using enums as a container of implementations

C# strategy design pattern for different return types

c# strategy-pattern

What design/pattern to use for a Client application using multiple providers?

Confused about strategy design pattern

Java Strategy pattern - can I delegate strategies instantiation in the Context class?

Objective C - Strategy Pattern?

Merging duplicate code that use different objects

What are the similarities between the Template Method and Strategy design patterns

How to avoid lots of if-else in javascript (nodejs)

How do you pass 'this' as an argument to another class constructor without circular dependencies?

Angular: lookup all providers implementing a specific interface

Using Factory with Strategy design pattern

Which design pattern is most appropriate?