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New posts in nsnumberformatter

Find out number of fraction digits in currency in iOS

What do the new iOS9/OSX10.11 NSNumberFormatterStyle enum values mean?

Formatting a string containing a number with comma separation

NSNumberFormatter returns nil on device, not on simulator

Issues with setMaximumFractionDigits

NSNumberFormatter numberFromString decimal number

Spell out ordinal numbers

ios nsnumberformatter

Convert currency string into float in Objective-C

String to Double conversion loses precision in Swift

How to get NSNumberFormatter currency style from ISOCurrencyCodes?

How to format and print float numbers on iOS?

Convert long NSString to NSNumber

NSNumberFormatter paddingPosition doesn't work

Adding thousands separator "˙" to a float number

More specific NSNumberFormatter failure behaviour

Using NSNumberFormatter to get a decimal value from an international currency string

Preventing decimals with NSNumberFormatter

iOS - Showing currency without cents using NSNumberFormatter

ios nsnumberformatter