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New posts in nsdecimalnumber

can we convert the NSDecimal values to UIImage?

Swift Exceptions to Exception handling

Casting currency values from JSON to NSDecimalNumber

NSDecimalNumber multiplication strangeness

When is it better to use an NSDecimal, NSDecimalNumber instead of a double?

Check if NSDecimalNumber is whole number

Cocoa Decimals and Protocol Buffers, compatibility with .NET

iOS 8 number conversion/formatting error? (cannot reproduce)

NSRoundBankers is not working as documented by Apple

Why does NSDecimalNumber.notANumber.intValue return 9?

NSDecimalNumber question for core data and iPhone

NSDecimalNumber zeros following decimal point (iPhone SDK)

ios nsdecimalnumber

How to check for NSDecimalNumber.zero() in Swift

swift nsdecimalnumber

How can I format a SKProduct price into a Swift currency string?

NSDecimalNumber subtraction

What locale argument to pass to NSDecimalNumber +decimalNumberWithString:locale: so it always works with NSString's using the dot (.) decimal mark?

How to split a NSDecimalnumber between decimal & integer & back

Fractional Part of NSDecimalNumber

Convert NSDecimalNumber to String

{NSDecimalNumber integerValue} behaving strangely in iOS8