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Swift Exceptions to Exception handling

After perusing through forums and Swift documentation (not completely, I admit), it appears that instead of try-catch mechanisms, in Swift we are encouraged to write code that is more safe from exceptions. In light of that, I have a question about a sample API, and would like to learn how to more safely handle this situation:

For example, I can create the following class using the NSDecimalNumberHandler:

class MathWhiz {

    init() {
    let defaultBehavior: NSDecimalNumberHandler =
    func add(op1: String, op2: String) ->NSDecimalNumber {
        return NSDecimalNumber.decimalNumberWithString(op1).decimalNumberByAdding(NSDecimalNumber.decimalNumberWithString(op2))

If I use the following, I get a number:

let brain = MathWhiz()
brain.add("1", op2: "1e127")

However, if I cause an overflow exception,:

brain.add("1", op2: "1e128")

I will crash the program as expected.

So, my question is, the API raises exceptions, but I don't handle them here. There are other posts out there of people pointing out that Swift does not have exception handling, but this question is seeking a nice way to handle this problem in the way that the language creators were thinking it should be done. Is there a recommended way to handle this without having to write my own code to check for overflow, underflow, loss of precision, ect...? I am wanting the NSDecimalNumberHandler to do that for me.

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H_H Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 17:02


2 Answers

If you are designing a function (or method) in Swift, you have at least 3 choices for dealing with errors:

Choice 1: Return an Optional Type

If your function might fail, and this happens on a regular basis, then consider returning an optional type variable. For example, in your case, your method add could return an NSDecimalNumber? instead of a plain NSDecimalNumber. In that case, your method would check for everything that could go wrong, and return nil in those situations. Overflow and underflow would return nil, and all other cases would return an NSDecimalNumber. The callers would have to check for and unwrap the optional NSDecimalNumber like this:

let brain = MathWhiz()
if let sum = brain.add("1", op2: "1e127") {
    println("the result was \(sum)")
} else
    println("something went wrong with MathWhiz add")

Choice 2: Return an Enumerated Type

If you want to return more information about the thing that went wrong, you could create an enumerated type with a value for each error and one for success that embeds the answer. For example, you could do:

enum MathWhizResult {
    case Overflow
    case Underflow
    case Success(NSDecimalNumber)

Then add would be defined to return MathWhizResult:

func add(op1: String, op2: String) -> MathWhizResult

In the case of an error, add would return .Overflow or .Underflow. In the case of success, add would return Success(result). The caller would have to check the enumeration and unpack the result. A switch could be used for this:

switch (brain.add("1", op2: "1e128")) {
case .Overflow
    println("darn, it overflowed")
case .Underflow
    println("underflow condition happened")
case .Success(let answer)
    println("the result was \(answer)"

Choice 3: Choose not to handle errors explicitly

Unpacking the result in the first two choices might be too much overhead for an error that is very rare. You could chose to just return a result, and let the caller deal with the possibility of an underflow or overflow condition. In that case, they would have to check for these conditions themselves before calling add. The benefit is, it they know that their program will never cause an underflow or overflow (because they are dealing with single digit numbers for instance), they are not burdened with unpacking the result.

I created a small app to demonstrate how you could do this with NSDecimalNumbers. I created a Single View Application in Xcode. In the ViewController in the StoryBoard I added 3 TextFields (one each for operand 1, operand 2, and the result) and a Button that I labelled +.


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet var operand1 : UITextField!
    @IBOutlet var operand2 : UITextField!
    @IBOutlet var result   : UITextField!

    var brain = MathWhiz()

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    @IBAction func addButton(sender : UIButton) {
        var op1 = operand1.text
        var op2 = operand2.text

        // Perform the add with the contents of the operand fields.
        // Print the answer, or "No Result" if add returns nil.
        if let answer = brain.add(op1, op2: op2)?.description {
            result.text = answer
        } else {
            result.text = "No Result"


import UIKit

// Declare that we implement NSDecimalNumberBehaviors so that we can handle
// exceptions without them being raised.
class MathWhiz: NSDecimalNumberBehaviors {
    var badException = false

    // Required function of NSDecimalNumberBehaviors protocol
    func roundingMode() -> NSRoundingMode {
        return .RoundPlain

    // Required function of NSDecimalNumberBehaviors protocol
    func scale() -> CShort {
        return CShort(NSDecimalNoScale)

    // Required function of NSDecimalNumberBehaviors protocol
    // Here we process the exceptions
    func exceptionDuringOperation(operation: Selector, error: NSCalculationError, leftOperand: NSDecimalNumber, rightOperand: NSDecimalNumber) -> NSDecimalNumber? {
        var errorstr = ""

        switch(error) {
        case .NoError:
            errorstr = "NoError"
        case .LossOfPrecision:
            errorstr = "LossOfPrecision"
        case .Underflow:
            errorstr = "Underflow"
            badException = true
        case .Overflow:
            errorstr = "Overflow"
            badException = true
        case .DivideByZero:
            errorstr = "DivideByZero"
            badException = true
        println("Exception called for operation \(operation) -> \(errorstr)")

        return nil

    // Add two numbers represented by the strings op1 and op2.  Return nil
    // if a bad exception occurs.
    func add(op1: String, op2: String) -> NSDecimalNumber? {
        let dn1 = NSDecimalNumber(string: op1)
        let dn2 = NSDecimalNumber(string: op2)

        // Init badException to false.  It will be set to true if an
        // overflow, underflow, or divide by zero exception occur.
        badException = false

        // Add the NSDecimalNumbers, passing ourselves as the implementor
        // of the NSDecimalNumbersBehaviors protocol.
        let dn3 = dn1.decimalNumberByAdding(dn2, withBehavior: self)

        // Return nil if a bad exception happened, otherwise return the result
        // of the add.
        return badException ? nil : dn3
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vacawama Avatar answered Feb 20 '23 09:02


Well, you're using an ObjC API. So just handle the exceptions inside ObjC. Write an ObjC class that handles the exceptions and returns values for Swift code to consume.

One possibility would be to write MathWhiz as an ObjC class and return an inout NSError parameter (ie do it the way Core Data does, take an **NSError) and fill it with the proper value when you hit a recoverable error. Then you can eat exceptions from NSDecimalNumber and convert them into NSError values.

You could also write an entire NSDecimalNumber wrapper for Swift consumption that you then use in place of NSDecimalNumber in your Swift code. Perhaps you could overload operator + and its siblings for this class, and then work out how to represent the various possible errors without exceptions.

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anisoptera Avatar answered Feb 20 '23 11:02
