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Why does VC++ introduce the nonstandard keyword: __leave?

According to MSDN:

The __leave statement is more efficient because it does not cause stack unwinding.

To my understanding, that is to say: "Such a common code snippet is dangerous!"

struct A
    int* p;

    A() : p(new int) {}
    ~A() { delete p; }

void f()
        A a;
        ... // Doing somthing
        if (the thing has gone bad) __leave;
        ... // Continue

Is it a best practice to totally avoid __leave in C++ projects?

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xmllmx Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 06:02


1 Answers



For C++ programs, C++ exception handling should be used instead of structured exception handling. For more information, see Exception Handling in the C++ Language Reference.

Edit: Also, it's usually good to refrain from compiler specific features.

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Cramer Avatar answered Feb 20 '23 09:02
