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OCUnit: How to run tests without launching iPhone simulator?

I'm following iOS Development Guide: Unit Testing Applications. However, when I attempt to build (Command+B) the LogicTests target (step 8 of "Setting Up Logic Testing"), I get the error: "The selected run destination is not valid for this action."

Since I added my application target to LogicTests's target dependencies, I'm able to run the unit tests with Command+U, but this also launches the iPhone Simulator.

To save time & resources, is it possible to run the OCUnit tests (both logic & application tests) without launching the iPhone Simulator?

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ma11hew28 Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 21:12


2 Answers

I understand the annoyance of the simulator popping up in unit tests. The best remedy I've been able to find is to do Command + U, followed by Command + H when launching unit tests. (Control + H hides the simulator after it appears.) Since it appears nearly instantaneously, this can be an effective way of getting it out of your range of vision.

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markshiz Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 01:01


I've managed to run my unit tests which test my model classes without the simulator being launched as follows:

  1. I didn't set any bundle loader or test host build settings, instead I just added the .m files I was unit testing to the Build Phases Compile Sources.

  2. I then ran the unit tests from the command line using:

    xcodebuild -verbose -target TheElementsUnitTests -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator5.0 clean build

Not really sure why this didn't launch the simulator, but it definitely didn't!

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MandyW Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 01:01
