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New posts in nsbundle

Save/Copy a file from Bundle to Desktop using NSSavePanel

Faster way to load Nib file from a bundle in iOS?

objective-c ios nib nsbundle

Can't swizzle class methods

objective-c macos nsbundle

Problem getting path to .plist using [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource

iphone objective-c nsbundle

xcode target dependencies between two projects

xcode dependencies nsbundle

Trying to replace deprecated loadnibnamed:owner

External Object in storyboards

Include copy of JVM in app bundle

Write in Main Bundle directory. Is it allowed?

objective-c ios nsbundle

Add and read a json file in the iPhone app

iOS: Is there any way to fake the user's locale?

ios localization nsbundle

Frameworks vs. Bundles

macos cocoa nsbundle

NSBundle - (not loaded yet) Error

Xamarin Studio. Monotouch. Could not load NIB in bundle ... with name

How can I load an image from Assets.car (compiled version of xcassets) within an NSBundle? (without using CocoaPods)

ios nsbundle xcasset

How can I access <Application_Home>/Library/Caches from a bundle?

ios caching uiimage nsbundle

Using NSBundle to load my resources

Localizable string in Foundation.framework not found

ios localization nsbundle