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New posts in nsbundle

XCTest fails when calling [NSBundle mainBundle]

How can I include a txt file in an Xcode project?

Get file path from NSBundle in Swift

swift file nsbundle

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib ind bundle

iphone cocoa ipad nsbundle

NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource (maybe not the same problem)

ios ipad nsbundle

OCMock doesn't stub NSBundle method

Including image assets when releasing a Cocoapod

xcode cocoa cocoapods nsbundle

Count of images in my [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]

objective-c cocoa nsbundle

What is the infoDictionary key to get the copyright defined in the bundle?

How to add/open a bundle file in a test target

ios objective-c xcode nsbundle

arrayWithContentsOfFile can't read plist file

iphone nsarray plist nsbundle

iOS - passing data to pushed viewcontroller

principal class of NSBundle

iphone nsbundle

Loading resources from another bundle

cocoa macos bundle nsbundle

macOS: Load one or other system framework at run time based on availability

Objective C : loadNibNamed method: how does it work?

Customising MacOS Bundle's Info.plist file with CMake

macos cmake nsbundle

How to convert NSString path to CFURLRef (for iOS 3.1)?

How do you get the Bundle Identifier from an application's name in Cocoa?

cocoa nsbundle

How to develop an iOS framework which includes image resources?