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New posts in nsbundle

Get image paths from NSBundle in Objective C?

How can I implement the service locator pattern in Cocoa Touch across multiple projects?

iPhone - Change bundle identifier

ios nsbundle

How to transfer resource files with Static Library (How to wrap resources in bundle)?

UILocalNotification custom sound

MonoTouch - How to specify image path of UIImage.FromFile()

How can I find the path to a file in an application bundle (NSBundle) using C?

Get fileSize of info.plist to prevent piracy

Get Bundle reference from Path in Swift

ios swift filepath nsbundle

How to create and check a subdirectory in the Application Bundle

ios nsbundle subdirectory

Getting iPhone mainBundle Files

How do I add an MP3 to my iOS/Xcode project?

ios xcode nsbundle

Multiple Localized .strings Files in iOS App Bundle

iPhone : Get the file path which is within subfolder of Resource folder

settings.bundle ios configure iOS8

What's the best way to load an image from a framework in OS X Yosemite (10.10)?

NSTask launch path not accessible

How to check if a Storyboard exists in a specific NSBundle

Can't find .js file in my mainBundle?