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New posts in localizable.strings

how to force an ios app to use a certain localization?

Line Break in Localizable.strings for MFMailComposeViewController

iOS: get available locales in my project

Localization fallback language

"Español (México)" language setting uses "Spanish" strings instead of "Spanish (Latin America)" strings

How do I reverse engineer Mac OS X language localisation files for natural language learning?

iPhone Localization without English

iOS - Emphasise with bold strings in Localizable.strings

NSBundle - (not loaded yet) Error

Xcode 8 how to add a language?

Send localized string key in loc-args for iOS Push notifications

Xcode 6 localization failed to read a strings file

Is there a way to invalidate NSBundle localization cache, withour restarting application? [iOS]

localizable.strings editor for translators [closed]

iOS - Could I change the localizable.strings content during runtime?

IOS/iPhone: Nested Localizable.strings Files?

using different string files in android

Add "newline" character in localizable.strings

xcode localizable.strings