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New posts in nsuserdefaults

Working with NSUserDefaults when saving own datatype

What is the best way to secure user's data saved locally in app and how to test security level?

Cannot retrieve data from NSUserDefaults into today extension (Swift)

Saving Date in UserDefaults of the first time the App was opened

force reset NSUserDefault on iPhone App upgrade

iphone nsuserdefaults

How do I store a password in Cocoa preferences?

cocoa nsuserdefaults

OSX NSUserDefaults not Working

How to make sure NSUserDefaults settings get saved to disk when the app quits?

iphone nsuserdefaults

Reading NSUserDefaults from helper app in the sandbox

How to achieve NSUserDefaults concept in Android

how to detect first time app launch after update from app store ,iphone

Bind UISwitch's state to NSUserDefaults with ReactiveCocoa

Using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore in both app extension and main application

NSUserDefaults returns swift array [String] instead of Set<String>

ios swift nsuserdefaults

How much data can I store in NSUserDefaults? [duplicate]

swift nsuserdefaults

NSUserDefault , Alloc init vs standard Userdefault

Objective-C Writing general getter and setter methods

NSKeyedArchiver - Unrecognized selector sent to instance error

Generate and store a unique id in MonoTouch

Why does NSUserDefaults return a deallocated string? (update #2)