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New posts in ios-app-extension

iOS App Extension - Action - Custom Data

Core Data iOS 8 Today Widget issue

iOS 8 custom keyboard height change from portrait, then to landscape and back to portrait

how app extension can access the containing app images/assets/resource data

ios8 ios-app-extension

iOS 8 custom keyboard extension UIKeyboardType

ios8 ios-app-extension

Detect if Custom Keyboard has been installed

How can I add button icons to custom keyboard iOS 8?

Using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore in both app extension and main application

App Extension Icon not showing

ios ios-app-extension

iOS8 - Single Widget for multiple targets

Implement Autocorrect in iOS 8 Keyboard Extension

iOS 8 Extension using iCloud Data

How to only share an image or video with a share extension

iOS 10 iMessage app extension: how do i calculate the height of the extra tall navbar