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Swift 3 iMessage Extension doesn't open URL

How to build a URL by using Dictionary in Swift

ios swift swift3 ios10 imessage

How to enable buttons in MessageUI (Swift 4)

Invalid Binary issue while uploading iMessage Sticker App using XCode 8

ios xcode ios10 imessage

Apple iMessage Extension API. Detecting whether recipient is using iMessage

What is the difference between Apple's iMessage template or adding an extension to an existing app?

iMessage Extensions: Root Navigation Controller results in all delegate methods to not get called in my MSMessagesAppViewController

My app inside iMessage UIActivityViewController [duplicate]

ios imessage

How do I retrieve the name of participants in MSConversation?

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How do I send audio file send via iMessage ios 8

Is it possible for my app to open the Messages app with my iMessage extension activated, on iOS 10?

SMS notifications in iOS6

In an MSStickerBrowserViewController on iOS 10, how can I tell which sticker a user selected?

iOS 10 iMessage app extension: how do i calculate the height of the extra tall navbar