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New posts in keychain

What is the best way to secure user's data saved locally in app and how to test security level?

Get the Username(s) stored in Keychain, using only the ServiceName? OR: Where are you supposed to store the Username?

Getting an error trying to write NSData to Keychain

Provisioning Profile 'Valid signing identity not found' error

Using Unmanaged<AnyObject>! as key in NSMutableDictionary

swift keychain

Purge iPhone Keychain

iphone keychain

Listing entries in a keychain on Mac OS X

macos keychain

Git hangs indefinitely - broke with osx credential helper I think

macos git keychain

Can the keychain be used like a NSUserDefaults on steroids for storing NSData?

iOS Release IPA using someone else's .p12 & .mobileprovision

ios iphone xcode xcode5 keychain

iOS: Verifying a File With a Certificate and Signature - Public Key is Wrong, Verification Fails

SecCopyErrorMessageString gives "Use of unresolved identifier" in swift

ios swift keychain

Creating Keychain Item with type 'Web Form Password' on Mac OS X

objective-c macos keychain

Cannot create developer certificate on Mac

Getting SSL / https working locally for Rails with puma-dev

ruby-on-rails keychain puma

osxkeychain is not storing github credentials?

Add private key to certificate or vice versa

ios certificate rsa keychain

Save array in Keychain

ios swift swift2 keychain

Issue with Enterprise build and UUID usage

iphone ios ipad keychain udid