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New posts in akka-persistence

CQRS command validation that requires a DB call

What is the difference between Akka Persistence and Akka Persistence Query?

How to use other application.conf in tests than in prod code?

akka akka-persistence

How to merely stop child actors upon a parent's restart?

How should I structure Persistence Actors in Akka persistence?

akka akka-persistence

Different use case for akka cluster aware router & akka cluster sharding?

How to test Akka Persistence actor

Is there a way to use snapshots with PersistenceQuery

scala akka akka-persistence

Uniqueness of persistenceId in akka-persistence

scala akka akka-persistence

DDD/CQRS Querying Events

Kafka as an Akka-persistence journal [closed]

Akka persistence with confirmed delivery gives inconsistent results

scala akka akka-persistence

What a use case for Akka persistent actor?

Event-sourcing with akka-persistance: growing state as list?

Akka Persistence Query event stream and CQRS

Axon Framework vs Eventuate comparison