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New posts in value-class

Scala Prohibit allocation of value classes

scala value-class

android Room with kotlin value class?

Scala: recognising objects of value classes

Scala value class compilation fails for base type with partial-function-parameter method

Convert sequence of AnyVal case class (Seq[T <: AnyVal]) to its runtime representation efficiently

scala seq value-class

Value classes, universal traits and the necessity of instantiation

Implicit conversion between Scala.Long and Java.lang.Long in collections

Scala value class, use cases

scala value-class

Does Inheritance in implicit value classes introduce an overhead?

Elegant grouping of implicit value classes

Is there a way to get a warning when a Scala Value Class needs to become instantiated?

scala value-class

Why does the transpose function change numeric to character in R?

r transpose value-class

How do you enrich value classes without overhead?

Value-based Classes confusion

Value classes introduce unwanted public methods