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New posts in and-operator

R - Find all vector elements that contain all strings / patterns - str_detect grep

r stringr grepl and-operator

regex AND operator with negative arguments

regex jedit and-operator

how can I use AND operator in IF statement in nginx?

redefine __and__ operator

C Relational Operator Output

use of **and** operator within an **if statement**

Using & (bitwise AND operator) in Angular ng-if expressions

PHP: if !empty & empty

Does Java check all arguments in "&&" (and) operator even if one of them is false?

Operator precedence for And/&& in Ruby [duplicate]

ruby and-operator

What is "x && foo()"?

How does C++ handle &&? (Short-circuit evaluation) [duplicate]

Regex AND operator

regex and-operator

Javascript AND operator within assignment

Boolean operators && and ||

Python's equivalent of && (logical-and) in an if-statement