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New posts in broom

How to perform statistical test using dplyr grouping and then make tibble with broom

r tidyverse broom

How to extract confidence intervals from multiple regression models?

keep region names when tidying a map using broom package

r geospatial broom

Error when using broom (augment) and dplyr with loess fit

r dplyr broom

Chi-square statistic across multiple columns of a dataframe using dplyr or reshape2

r dplyr reshape2 broom

Iterating over multiple regression models and data subsets in R

How to convert fitdistrplus::fitdist summary into tidy format?

r tidyverse broom

working with lists of models using the pipe syntax

Dot-and-whisker plots of filtered estimates for multiple regression models

r ggplot2 lme4 grepl broom

Fast Wald confidence intervals for a glm with broom in R

Purrr and several multiple regressions in R

How can I add stars to broom package's tidy() function output?

r dataframe lm tidyverse broom

Formatted latex regression tables with multiple models from broom output?

r latex stargazer broom texreg

loess regression on each group with dplyr::group_by()

r dplyr purrr loess broom

Using `broom:::glance` in a dplyr workflow with a single lm object fails

r dplyr broom

R2 values - dplyr and broom

r dplyr regression broom

Creating models and augmenting data without losing additional columns in dplyr/broom

r dplyr tidyverse broom

retreiving tidy results from regression by group with broom

r dplyr broom tidymodels

Draw SpatialPolygons with multiple subpolygons and holes using ggplot2

rolling regression by group in the tidyverse?