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New posts in nlme

Repeated-Measures ANOVA: ezANOVA vs. aov vs. lme syntax

r syntax anova mixed-models nlme

AIC calculation doesn't match in R and SAS for mixed model

r sas lme4 mixed-models nlme

R: fix model call in model using as.formula

Better fits for a linear model

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Nested random effects and related fixed effects

Get a clean summary of nlme.lme() or lme4.lmer() in RPy

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R: using factor variables in nlme function

r model nlme

R how to use bounds and the "port" algorithm in nlslist?

r curve-fitting bounds nls nlme

Extract random formula from nlme objects

r lme4 mixed-models nlme

lmer error: grouping factor must be < number of observations

r lme4 mixed-models nlme

Does the function y = at^b * exp(-ct) have a name? Can it be linearized? How can I estimate a, b, c?

r nlme

Collinearity after accounting for random/mixed effects

R: how to extract information from summary model fit

r nlme

fitting first order equation with nlme and lsoda

r ode nls nlme

lme() different results each run under Revolution R (MKL to blame?)

nlme fit : vcov versus summary

r nlme

Extract the random effects design matrix in nlme

r lme4 mixed-models nlme