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New posts in curve-fitting

Curve fitting in Scipy with 3d data and parameters

python scipy curve-fitting

numpy.polyfit versus scipy.odr

fit to time series using Gnuplot

python fitting curve with integral function

fit numpy polynomials to noisy data

python numpy curve-fitting

How do I make my line fit better and neater?

r ggplot2 curve-fitting

Excel Polynomial Curve-Fitting Algorithm

Fitting SIR model based on least squares

TypeError: Improper input: N=2 must not exceed M=1

Python - Fitting exponential decay curve from recorded values

Curve fit or interpolation in a semilogy plot using scipy

scipy.optimize.curve_fit producing nonsensical curve fits

Exponential Fitting with Scipy.Optimise Curve_fit not working

Matlab - Fit a Curve with Constrained Parameters

matlab curve-fitting

How can I plot a function with errors in coefficients?

How to estimate the best fitting function to a scatter plot in R?

curve_fit failing on even a sine wave

scipy curve-fitting

R, ggplot2: Fit curve to scatter plot

r ggplot2 curve-fitting

Where can I get a Delphi/Pascal implementation of Excel-style polynomial regression curve fitting?