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New posts in gnuplot

Gnuplot: generate two different output files


how to plot file contains many columns and column header using gnuplot

plot gnuplot

How can I use a timestamp to name a gnuplot file?


Gnuplot read line style from data file column


gnuplot newhistogram: how to set titles font size?


ImportError for Gnuplot in python terminal

fit to time series using Gnuplot

How to obtain tilde or approx symbol in gnuplot legend?

How to make key colour black in Gnuplot

colors key gnuplot palette

How to Correctly Add Perspective to a Gnuplot 3D connected Point Cloud Representing a Molecule?

gnuplot chemistry

Gnuplot sending newline and ",\" from python

python gnuplot

How to export from gnuplot to extern datafile the frequency counts used to generate a histogram?

gnuplot histogram

Gnuplot: how to only draw xtics without tic lables on top

plot border gnuplot

short dashed line length in gnuplot


How to define a gnuplot output file as a variable?

bash gnuplot

Gnuplot error on command "set data s l"


Gnuplot custom legend with two different specs

gnuplot legend

Gnuplot 3d depthorder with multiple plots

3d gnuplot

Gnuplot: Variable colors (and linewidths) for 2D-Vector plot

Placing label over mapped 3D graph in Gnuplot
