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New posts in polynomial-math

Get coefficients of symbolic polynomial in Matlab

Boosting the runtime of NumPy Code with NumExpr: An analysis

Library for polynomial calculus in Java? [closed]

Finding roots of polynomial in Java

java math polynomial-math

Reduce results in an error for a polynomial with real (non-integer) coefficients

Is there a library for HUGE integers [closed]

Calculate roots of multiple polynomials

matlab polynomial-math

Calculating the area underneath a mathematical function

Where can I get a Delphi/Pascal implementation of Excel-style polynomial regression curve fitting?

Find a root of a polynomial modulo 2^r [closed]

Message parity check [closed]

Naive Recursive Algorithm for Polynomial Multiplication in Python

Java library for estimating a polynomial based on a set of points

Evaluate Polynomial String without using regex and API

java polynomial-math

Polynomial multiplication complexity reduction

How to properly set contrasts in R

r polynomial-math

Horner's rule for two-variable polynomial

Efficient calculation of polynomial coefficients from its roots