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Can stargazer follow booktabs style?

I am quite in doubt about which table formatting package to use, being xtable and stargazerthe alternatives.

I find Stargazer easier to understand when building tables - specially if a need to use column spanning. However, I do not know how to make stargazer tables in the booktabs shape. Is there a way to do so, as in xtable?

Alternatively, how can I use xtable in a way that it is easy to format spanning columns?

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Arthur Carvalho Brito Avatar asked Jul 11 '17 20:07

Arthur Carvalho Brito

1 Answers

The stargazer-booktabs package is a stargazer fork which adds support for the LaTeX booktabs package.

As stated on the package's webpage:

In contrast to the main package, this fork outputs tables which use the booktabs commands \toprule \midrule and \bottomrrule [sic] for horizontal rules.

Again from the package's github page, it can be installed as follows:



The package's vignette provides a few examples of regression tables.

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Lino Ferreira Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 21:11

Lino Ferreira