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New posts in xtable

xtable and header alignment

r latex sweave xtable

With xtable and type = html how to add a class to a specific td tag

html css r xtable shiny

R: output a pivot-like table with subtotals

Use xtable to produce a Latex table with significance stars (***)

r latex output xtable

How can I include hyperlinks in a table within an Sweave document?

r latex knitr sweave xtable

How to include multiple tables programmatically into a Sweave document using R

r latex sweave xtable

inset \footnote{} into header with xtable and tabular.environment

r latex xtable

How to display numbers in scientific notation in ASCII tables?

r xtable stargazer

sorting a table for latex output with xtable

r xtable

How to remove "Standard Error" column from xtable() output of an lm on R/RSweave/LaTeX

r latex xtable

How to include a Percent Symbol in an xtable caption using Sweave in R

r latex sweave xtable

Adjust row height xtable R

r xtable

R --markdown to latex - tables do not show up

print.xtable with multi-line header?

r knitr xtable

Split headings in groups over multiple rows in xtable

r latex knitr xtable

xtable adding a title on top and a caption under the table

r latex sweave caption xtable

Can't get sanitize text function to work in xtable when not in math mode

r latex xtable

Set column alignment and width for xtable generated longtable

r tex xtable longtable

Adding a horizontal line between the rows in a latex table using R xtable

r latex xtable

How to change column heading using xtable in R?

r xtable