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Reshape values from 1 column and attach to existing column name

r reshape melt

How to specify an empty id.vars vector when melting a data.table?

r data.table melt

Melt & dcast w/ string concatenation

r reshape reshape2 melt

Rearrange dataframe - R

r dataframe melt

Does Spark supports melt and dcast [duplicate]

Melt the data frame, reshape a tall data frame

r dataframe melt

Pandas - melt, stack, reshape or MultiIndex dataframe columns based on multiple attributes from the column name

python pandas stack melt

Pandas 'partial melt' or 'group melt'

python pandas unpivot melt

R tcrossprod with unique combinations

r melt cross-product

Reshape data.frame with two columns into multiple columns with data (R)

r casting dataframe reshape melt

How to specify level names when using reshape2::melt on a list?

r list reshape2 melt

Exact inverse of pandas' "pivot" operation

python pandas pivot melt

Merge several data frames on two common columns

r merge reshape melt

Convert data frame from wide to long with 2 variables

r reshape2 melt

PySpark Dataframe melt columns into rows

Emulating reshape2::melt with pivot_longer for matrixes

r tidyverse tidyr melt

How to melt R data.frame and plot group by bar plot

r ggplot2 melt

R: Collapse multiple boolean columns into single attribute column with new rows for each combination [duplicate]

r dataframe reshape2 melt

Reshape package masking preventing melt from naming columns

r plyr reshape reshape2 melt

R Violin plots and boxplots together, make fill behave differently only for boxplots

r ggplot2 reshape2 melt