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New posts in tidyeval

Using `dplyr::mutate()` to create several new variables from names specified in a vector

r dplyr tidyverse tidyeval

Excluding multiple columns based on unquote-splicing (!!!)

r tidyr tidyeval tidyselect

Creating a list of quosures using purrr

r purrr tidyeval

How to evaluate a glue expression in a nested function?

r metaprogramming tidyeval

Issue with Example in : Programming with dplyr

r dplyr tidyeval quosure

Tidyeval: pass list of columns as quosure to select()

r dplyr rlang nse tidyeval

Passing a list of arguments to a function with quasiquotation

r dplyr tidyeval

rlang !! error when !! sym() [duplicate]

r ggplot2 dplyr rlang tidyeval

How to test null or missing for enquos-type quosures

r rlang tidyeval

What is the tidyeval way of using dplyr::filter?

r dplyr tidyeval

Programming a function for "lm" using tidyeval

r lm tidyeval

Tidy Eval: Using {{var}} inside a nesting function not possible?

Escape overscoping in the tidyeval framework

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

String based filtering in dplyr - NSE

r dplyr tidyverse nse tidyeval

Using data.table and tidy eval together: why group by does not work as expected, why is ~ inserted?

r data.table rlang tidyeval

curly curly tidy evaluation programming with multiple inputs and custom function across columns

Call many variables in a for loop with dplyr/ggplot function

r ggplot2 dplyr tidyeval

How do I create a function to mutate new columns with a variable name and "_pct"?

r tidyeval

How to pass strings denoting expressions to dplyr 0.7 verbs?

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

confusing behavior of purrr::pmap with rlang; "to quote" or not to quote argument that is the Q

r dplyr purrr rlang tidyeval