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How can you make tidyverse functions that support both quoted and unquoted arguments?

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

Supplying multiple groups of variables to a function for dplyr arguments in the body

r dplyr purrr rlang tidyeval

Remove columns the tidyeval way

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

How to write functions with tidy evaluation inside ggplot geoms?

r function ggplot2 tidyeval

curly curly Tidy evaluation and modifying inputs or their names

How to define key argument of gather function using string concatenation

r dplyr tidyeval

how to unquote (!!) inside `map` inside `mutate`

r dplyr purrr rlang tidyeval

Using as.formula with a comma

r dplyr tidyeval

Create R function using dplyr::filter problem

r filter dplyr rlang tidyeval

What is the difference between ensym and enquo when programming with dplyr?

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

When to use rlang::ensym() over rlang::sym()?

r rlang tidyeval

tidy eval vs base or get() vs sym() vs as.symbol()

r tidyverse rlang tidyeval

Get expression that evaluated to dot in function called by `magrittr` pipe

r magrittr rlang tidyeval

Is it possible to pass multible variables to the same curly curly?

r tidyeval

Using tidy eval for multiple dplyr filter conditions

r tidyverse tidyeval

R How to use curly curly with filter or filter_?

r filter dplyr rlang tidyeval

Correct usage of dplyr::select in dplyr 0.7.0+, selecting columns using character vector

r dplyr tidyverse rlang tidyeval

dplyr 0.7 equivalent for deprecated mutate_

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

Variable not found with data mask

r tidyeval

R: Using a string as an argument to mutate verb in dplyr

r dplyr nse tidyeval