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New posts in magrittr

Why does the following code trying to alias %>% from magrittr symbol fail?

r magrittr

Get index of a specific element in vector using %>% operator

r dplyr magrittr

dplyr + magrittr + qplot = no plot?

r ggplot2 dplyr magrittr

Can different parts of dplyr::summarize() be computed conditionally?

r dplyr magrittr

how to transform a string into a factor and sets contrasts using dplyr/magrittr piping

r dplyr magrittr

Use dplyr conditional filter in reactive function in Shiny

r shiny dplyr reactive magrittr

Use purrr::map to apply multiple arguments to a function

r ggplot2 dplyr magrittr purrr

Renaming with list with magrittr

r magrittr

What does the %<>% operator mean in R? [closed]

r magrittr

Getting system.time or replicate work with piping %>%

r dplyr piping magrittr

RMarkdown: Wrap code in chunks but keep breaks after pipe

r dplyr r-markdown magrittr

use magrittr pipe within closures

r dplyr pipe magrittr

How can you tell if a pipe operator is the last (or first) in a chain?

r piping magrittr

Oddity with dplyr and all

r dplyr magrittr

How to join a data frame to itself within a dplyr chain?

r dplyr magrittr

Magrittr pipe in R functions

r pipeline magrittr

piping with dot inside dplyr::filter

r dplyr tidyverse magrittr

Reason for magrittr pipe (%>%) with ifelse behavior?

r magrittr

how to feed the result of a pipe chain (magrittr) to an object

r magrittr

What are the differences between R's new native pipe `|>` and the magrittr pipe `%>%`?

r pipe magrittr