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New posts in magrittr

Rename multiple variables within a pipeline

r rename dplyr magrittr

Choose a function from a tibble of function names, and pipe to it

r magrittr

How to add a row names to a data frame in a magrittr chain

r magrittr

R: Using piping to pass a single argument to multiple locations in a function

r piping magrittr

Replace df <- df %>% ... with a shortcut

r magrittr

magrittr pipe not evaluating a dot passed a second pipe within a function argument

r magrittr

Easily finding and replacing every match in a nested list

r function magrittr

Pipe in magrittr package is not working for function rm()

r dplyr magrittr

Merge rows in tibble

r dplyr tibble magrittr

passing function argument to dplyr select

r dplyr magrittr

Have to call variable twice before evaluated? [duplicate]

r data.table magrittr

Using ggsave with a pipe

r ggplot2 magrittr

R: Using pipe %>% and pkg::fo leads to error "Error in .::base : unused argument"

r pipe tidyverse magrittr

How can I use dplyr/magrittr's pipe inside functions in R?

r dplyr magrittr nse

Use of ! (or any logical operator) with %>% (magrittr) produces unexpected output

r magrittr

R: Further subset a selection using the pipe %>% and placeholder

r dplyr magrittr

Pipe purely in base R ('base pipe')?

r magrittr

Constructing function from a closure with Magrittr is resulting in an error upon function evaluation

r closures magrittr

Build a RStudio addin to debug pipe chains

r rstudio add-in magrittr

R package fails devtools::check, because "could not find function" even though the function is imported in NAMESPACE