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Pipe in magrittr package is not working for function rm()





x = 10
rm(x) # removed x from the environment

x = 10
x %>% rm() # Doesn't remove the variable x 

1) Why doesn't pipe technique remove the variable?
2) How do I alternatively use pipe and rm() to remove a variable?

Footnote: This question is perhaps similar to Pipe in magrittr package is not working for function load()

like image 258
Ashrith Reddy Avatar asked Apr 04 '18 03:04

Ashrith Reddy

1 Answers

Use the %<>% operator for assigning the value to NULL

x %<>% 

In the pipe, we are getting the value instead of the object. So, by using the %<>% i.e. in place compound assignment operator, the value of 'x' is assigned to NULL


If we need the object to be removed, pass it as character string, feed it to the list argument of rm which takes a character object and then specify the environment

x <- 10
"x" %>% 
    rm(list = ., envir = .GlobalEnv)

When we call 'x'


Error: object 'x' not found

The reason why the ... doesn't work is that the object . is not evaluated within the rm

x <- 10
"x" %>%
    rm(envir = .GlobalEnv)

Warning message: In rm(., envir = .GlobalEnv) : object '.' not found

Another option is using do.call

x <- 10
"x" %>%
   list(., envir = .GlobalEnv) %>% 
   do.call(rm, .)

Error: object 'x' not found

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akrun Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11
