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New posts in magrittr

How do I use magrittr::inset()?

r magrittr

Error in magrittr pipe when using ``magrittr::`%>%` ``

r magrittr

Combining pipes and the magrittr dot (.) placeholder

r dplyr magrittr

Order of operation with piping

r magrittr

Using the pipe in unique() function in r is not working

r function magrittr

Pipe a data frame to a function whose argument pipes a dot

r lambda dplyr magrittr

Pipe in magrittr package is not working for function load()

r magrittr

Get expression that evaluated to dot in function called by `magrittr` pipe

r magrittr rlang tidyeval

Meaning of error using . shorthand inside dplyr function

r dplyr magrittr

Parallel wilcox.test using group_by and summarise

Convert column in data.frame to date

r date dplyr magrittr

Using table() in dplyr chain

r pipe dplyr magrittr

How to build a pipeline from data.table to magrittr and back to data.table

r data.table magrittr

Is there a way to `pipe through a list'?

r ggplot2 dplyr magrittr

R combinations with dot ("."), "~", and pipe (%>%) operator

r dplyr pipe magrittr

Multiple ggplots with magrittr tee operator

r ggplot2 magrittr

setNames equivalent for colnames and rownames for use in pipe

r magrittr

How to use logical operator (!) with magrittr in R

r magrittr

When should we use curly brackets { } when piping with dplyr [duplicate]

r magrittr

Get name of dataframe passed through pipe in R

r dplyr magrittr