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How to change citation style in biblatex in R Markdown?

When citation_package: biblatex is included in the YAML of an .Rmd file, is it possible to specify the citation style? I can't find any information on this in the various R markdown manuals.

like image 389
Namenlos Avatar asked Mar 01 '18 04:03


People also ask

How do you add a citation in R markdown?

You insert citations by either using the Insert -> Citation command or by using markdown syntax directly (e.g. [@cite] or @cite ) . Citations go inside square brackets and are separated by semicolons.

How do you cite Biblatex?

Using the Biblatex package to Cite To create in text citation within your document, we can use the cite command ( \cite{citationkey} ) and include the citation key in the argument. The citation key can be found by looking up the first word included in the relevant citation within the BibTex file.

How do you add citations in LaTeX?

Basic LaTeX comes with a few . bst style files; others can be downloaded from the web • To insert a citation in the text in the specified output style - insert the \cite command e.g. command e.g. \bibliography{references} where your reference details are stored in the file references.

1 Answers

This issue was resolved in March 2016. As a lot of the documentation was written before this, it doesn't always show up in the guidance. However, the NEWS file on rmarkdown is always a good place to check for new features.

You can use the biblio-style argument within the YAML. If you are familiar with latex, this is basically filling in the \usepackage[style= *SELECTED STYLE*]{biblatex}. Here is an example. It will build a separate .bib file for you:

    citation_package: biblatex
keep_tex: TRUE
bibliography: test.bib

knitr::write_bib(x = c("knitr", "rmarkdown") , file = "test.bib")

Some ref [@R-knitr]

Another ref [@R-rmarkdown]

# References

This outputs: enter image description here

Adding the biblio-style argument:

    citation_package: biblatex
keep_tex: TRUE
bibliography: test.bib
biblio-style: authoryear

knitr::write_bib(x = c("knitr", "rmarkdown") , file = "test.bib")

Some ref [@R-knitr]

Another ref [@R-rmarkdown]

# References

enter image description here

To find out more about different styles you can use, check here: https://www.sharelatex.com/learn/Biblatex_citation_styles

Taking this further: the YAML only provides a certain amount of control of the biblio-style. For example, you cannot specify citestyle directly. if you want to go further with changing the biblatex style, you will need to edit the pandoc template: https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/blob/master/inst/rmd/latex/default-1.15.2.tex . This is a bit more advanced though, so only recommend it if you are comfortable with LaTex: https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/pdf_document_format.html#custom_templates

like image 53
Michael Harper Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10

Michael Harper