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Is there a way to restrict a string to be ASCII only in XSD?


xml-schema xsd error: with namespace

xml namespaces xsd

How to generate xsd from C# class file using visual studio command prompt?

xs:String in xs:DateTime format to XMLGregorianCalendar

java xml jaxb xsd

XML / XSD - Adding descriptions

xml xsd documentation editor

Generate XSD programmatically in java

The prefix "xsi" for attribute "xsi:schemaLocation" associated with an element type "beans" is not bound

java xml spring xsd

How to import XSD in Another XSD

java xsd

How to specify a list of complexType in XML?

java xml xsd jaxb jaxb2

Any robust DTD to XSD schema conversion tools?


Incorrect definition for the root element in XML schema

xml xsd msxml msxml6

XML-schema/validation: different separator for datatype double

How to group types & subtypes in XSD

xml xsd

Require a number of fractional decimal places with an XML schema

xml xsd

ClassCastException while Unmarshalling XML with JAXB

java xml xsd jaxb unmarshalling

XML validation with XSD getting invalid child element error and I have no idea why?

c# xml xsd

What should I change to get a different element name on the response XSD of an automatically generated JAX-WS?

xsd jax-ws

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"COUNTRY") Expected elements are <{http://www.w3schools.com}COUNTRY>

xml jaxb xsd

Unique element in XSD sequence


Is it valid to have a 'choice' of 'group' elements when defining an XML Schema (XSD)

xml xsd schema