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New posts in xml-attribute

RegEx for specified string length range : XSD attribute element

regex xml xsd xml-attribute

Read XML child node attributes using SQL query

Is it possible to serialize a custom struct as an xml attribute?

Jackson marshal XMLAttribute gets "null" value

Xml node value from an attribute in VB.net

C# Xml why doesn't my attribute appears?

Retrieve the value of a XML attribute in VBS

Why isn't my document validating as XHTML 1.1 STRICT?

XSLT on SSRS report

How to change the attribute value of svg file

php xml-attribute

get xml attribute named xlink:href using xsl

xslt xpath wms xml-attribute

How can I add xml attributes with different prefixes/namespaces in C#?

c# xml xml-attribute

Why is SelectSingleNode returning null?

TypedArray not working

XML schema; multiple from a list of valid attribute values

xsd xml-attribute

LINQ to XML ignores line breaks in attributes

How to use XmlElementAttribute for List<T>?

How can I make @XmlAttribute in a special order by using JAXB?

jaxb xml-attribute

What is the best way to parse an XML boolean attribute (in .NET)?

how to get the attribute value of an xml node using java

java xml xmlnode xml-attribute