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New posts in apache-karaf

Camel jdbc: How can I reset datasource if mysql connection gets closed

How can I validate xsd using apache camel?

karaf log level for a bundle

apache-karaf karaf

OSGi feature uninstall works, but bundles are still installed

Using Jacoco with Pax-Exam

Spring Jdbc declarative transaction management within karaf

karaf-maven-plugin: Defining a dependency as a feature

ScriptEngineManager and ScriptEngine can not be loaded in Karaf OSGi (Nashorn not found)

Aries Blueprint in Karaf - Can a blueprint reference an external properties file

Uses constraint violation. Unable to resolve resource -javax.xml.bind.annotation and jakarta.xml.bind-api

java osgi apache-karaf

osgi blueprint how to read resource file in bundle

Tutorial for ServiceMix 4.2 [closed]

Soap request Message part was not recognized

How to get the karaf rest example to work?

java rest apache-karaf

Best way to debug OSGI bundles in Karaf

What are the differences between features vs bundles vs dependencies vs prerequisites vs requirements in Apache Karaf?

apache-karaf karaf

Can't capture Apache Karaf client output

Debugging FuseESB application in Eclipse