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New posts in compareto

How do I perform an encoding-independent string-comparison in Java?

Problem with CompareTo

TreeSet doesn't work, what's wrong with the following code?

java equals compareto treeset

What is the difference between these two compareTo methods?

Is it possible to override String's compareTo method in Java?

java sorting compareto

ByteBuffer - compareTo method might diverge

java nio bytebuffer compareto

How does Comparator.comparing() function work?

Java no autoboxing for int for compareTo method?

java int compareto autoboxing

Java - modified compareTo method says it needs to return an int, but it should be returning one

java compareto

How does the sort() method of the Collection class call the Comparable's compareTo()?

Object.CompareTo(Object) for unknown data type

c# object compareto

Is there a library to compare primitive type values?

java compareto

Rules to implement compare method

How to compare two datetimes

Why is CompareTo on short implemented this way?

Java override compareTo, Long

java comparable compareto

Scala idiom for ordering by multiple criteria

Override CompareTo: What to do with null case?

c# compareto

Undocumented String.compareTo(null) NPE?

java string null compareto