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New posts in design-decisions

Why does x86-64 use IA-64 C++ ABI?

What should I do with an object that should no longer be used in Perl?

perl oop design-decisions

Use Django User-Model or create a own Model?

Best way to implement plugin framework - are DLLs the only way (C/C++ project)?

Design decision - What is the use/advantage of separate RandomNumberGeneratorHolder class in Math.java?

Why isn't the Type class in the System.Reflection namespace?

Why is CompareTo on short implemented this way?

How to go about creating a prolog program that can work backwards to determine steps needed to reach a goal

Credit card system implementation?

Why was "immediate" attribute added to the EditableValueHolders?

What is the difference between using cfinvoke and createObject to run a component function?

Bad design decision to throw an exception from an accessor?

java design-decisions

Windows Services -- High availability scenarios and design approach

What scripting language for our .NET based IDE? [closed]

Why Array#slice and Array#slice! behave differently?

IdbConnection vs. SqlConnection

Why are System.Drawing Rectangle, Point, Size etc mutable structs and not classes?

c# .net design-decisions

Design decisions: Why and when to make an interface private?

Is there a design reason why std::set doesnt have front and back member functions?

.NET Tuple and Equals performance