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New posts in django-users

Migrating existing models to Django built-in User Models

Anonymous user error

python django django-users

Django - check if user is authenticated for every url

Django: ImportError: cannot import name 'User'

Use Django User-Model or create a own Model?

Manually validate a django session id is currently authenticated

Django UserProfile... without a password

Django - How to check all the attributes of a queryset?

Django - Removing username from user model

django django-users

Automatically create username in User model in Django based on other fields

How can I implement custom user manager in django?

django django-users

Django : Invalid password format or unknown hashing algorithm

django custom user model password is not being hashed

Get current user log in signal in Django

How to check current user's permissions from a Group in Django?

FieldError at /admin/ - Unknown field(s) (added_on) specified for UserProfile

What is "swappable" in model meta for?