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New posts in django-authentication

Django Multiple Authentication Backends Based On Status

Django Admin - Permissions Not Picking Up for Staff

DJANGO: TemplateDoesNotExist: auth/user_confirm_delete.html

Django: Rename Group to Role

Django - AttributeError: 'UserProfile' object has no attribute 'urls'

'Manager' object has no attribute 'get_by_natural_key'

Django rest framework not encrypting passwords, when being logged into the database

No module named 'backends'

Django - check if user is authenticated for every url

Django user creation fails in the admin when filling profile fields

Django: redirect admin logout to allauth login

Manually validate a django session id is currently authenticated

Okta Authentication Django

Messages for users with (user.is_active =False) flag during the login process

Django UserProfile... without a password

Django 1.8 LookupError AUTH_USER_MODEL

is_authenticated returns True for AnonymousUser

How to access user names and profiles with django-allauth