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New posts in django-authentication

Django user authentication: django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend

Django - how to have models for registered site users and non-site users?

django: failing tests from django.contrib.auth

Python: Get Windows username of user viewing page?

Custom decorator for class based views in django rest framework

Auto-generated field 'user_ptr' clashes with declared field of the same name

django - limit users to edit only their own information

Removing sessions from Redis (Django)

The current path, account/login/, didn't match any of these?

Automatically create username in User model in Django based on other fields

Django REST EmailAddress matching query does not exist

RelatedObjectDoesNotExist: User has no userprofile

Register custom user model with admin auth

Best way to add convenience methods to a Django Auth User model?

Allowing only single active session per user in Django app

How do I use the The login_required decorator in my URL?

Most optimized way to delete all sessions for a specific user in Django?

Django - user permissions to certain views?

Django: How can I apply the login_required decorator to my entire site (excluding static media)?