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New posts in django-contrib

django: failing tests from django.contrib.auth

Postal Code model field shows up as State list in Admin

Django - get_current_site(request) just grabs example.com

Testing only project in Django

When storing phone numbers in Django, should I store them as an raw digits or use django.contrib.localflavor?

django comments: how to prevent form errors from redirecting the user to the preview page?

Unable to create an integration test for Django's reset password flow

Django: Is "collectstatic" supposed to collect media files as well?

contrib.staticfiles and Django admin media

django django-contrib

Django: Why create a OneToOne to UserProfile instead of subclassing auth.User?

Does Django ship with the authentication templates for use with the django.contrib.auth module? [duplicate]

request.user returns a SimpleLazyObject, how do I "wake" it?