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how to check a previous value on a django model

Django: How to call class-based generic views in views.py?

Sporadic 403 "CSRF FAILURECSRF cookie not set" errors with django

date_format Django 1.4 with correct timezone

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Django 1.4: Why is my context processor not working?

Django QuerySet: filter by the value of another field

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Are Instance variables of class-based-views persistent?

Testing only project in Django

How to set up Django models with two types of users with very different attributes

How to delete all data for one app in Django 1.4 now that reset is gone?

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ContentNotRenderedError after a django upgrade

How to use the built-in 'password_reset' view in Django?

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New URL on django admin independent of the apps

Static folders structure in Django 1.4?

Django1.4: How to use order_by in template?

Django 1.4.1 error reporting don't send me an email

django django-1.4

Django1.4: Generic way to set language links in template to work with i18n_patterns?

South + Django 1.4 Database error