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New posts in django-south

Getting DatabaseError: multiple default values specified for column

Django. South. Heroku. KeyError: 'default'

Python 2.7 unbound method with Django 1.7 migrations

How would I use a South migration to load data into Django's auth_group table?

python django django-south

South data migration 'instance' error when using south freeze orm

Problem installing South on existing database. MySql doesn't support 'schema-altering statements'

mysql django django-south

Data Migration from ImageField to ImageField using South

django django-south

Django 1.2 + South 0.7 + django-annoying's AutoOneToOneField leads to TypeError: 'LegacyConnection' object is not iterable

Django South migration history causing an integrity error

South database error: relation already exists

postgresql django-south

What does an Alembic revision ID represent?

Migrations in stand alone Django app

south not creating tables for third party installed app

South error, but not using it. "no South database module 'south.db.mysql'"

django django-south

How to make South works in Heroku for a Django app

How to fix a Database Error and ghost migration error in Django?

Django South - Create Not Null ForeignKey

Django not creating db tables for models (neither with syncdb nor South)

Changing South Migration Directory