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How to "time travel" git repository back in revisions?

Using Git For Community-Oriented Website Content Revision System

django git revision

Subversion: Get all files from a revision

svn export revision

How do I list all files ever committed to the repository?

svn search repository revision

Checkout the git commit corresponding to a certain revision from the old SVN repository?

What does an Alembic revision ID represent?

Subversion block in CruiseControl.NET - passing specific revision number?

Using git to identify all modified functions in a revision

SVN revision number and timestamp

How to commit subversion revision with every commit in order to refer between two repositories

How can I get the build number of a Visual Studio project to increment?

Get SVN revision in declarative jenkins pipeline

what can i use to create a revision tree graphic on linux

linux svn tree graph revision

Mercurial and mysql

mysql mercurial revision

Git checkout using wildcard to a specific revision

git wildcard checkout revision

Why is including a hash in a filename better for caching than appending a timestamp as a query parameter?

What's the difference between Subclipse Get Contents and Get Revision?

How to make "git describe" mention the presence or absence of local changes?

git version revision