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New posts in django-settings

Not able to log in to the django admin page with a valid username and password

Modifying Django settings in tests

Should I move my project files into the parent directory after starting a project in Django?

404 on media files - Django

Import model in Django's settings.py

Django SECRET KEY error

Server error (500) Django deployment on heroku

Django settings: How to access variables from the settings folder in an app

Add custom log records in Django

Django template system standalone

Include application in django settings.py

How to Import Another Python 3 File in Django Settings.py?

What does [::1] mean in ALLOWED_HOSTS in Django?

Setting Up Django and PostgreSQL on two different EC2 instances

Django python - Module not found

How can iterate over all the settings in Django?

Django dynamic settings infrastructure and best practices

Pydev autogen DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable?