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How to add new fields in django user model [closed]

django 1.9 not creating table for custom user model

python django django-users

Using UserPassesTestMixin (class based view) AND redirect as well

How can I import the user model in Django and select all of the objects

how to set default group for new user in django?

Django user.is_authenticated works some places, not others

django django-users

seperate 'admin' interfaces for different user types in django

Error: "relation "django_comments" does not exist"

django django-users

In Django, how do you pass a ForeignKey into an instance of a Model?

How to delete user in django?

python django django-users

Django 1.5: Accessing custom user model fields in models.py

ForeignKey to a Model field?

Django migrate model with user in a foreignkey fails

Manage UserCreationForm properties and fields

django django-users

self.model() in django custom UserManager

User roles schema on Django

Django custom user model and usermanager

Django - User full name as unicode

How to use Django User Groups and Permissions on a React Frontend with Django Rest Framework

ValueError in Django when running the "python manage.py migrate" command