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New posts in django-migrations

column <column> does not exist (Django 1.8)

How can I remove a Django migration file?

django django-migrations

Default value generating a UUID breaks migrations in django 1.7, is there a workaround?

Django: django.db.utils.IntegrityError: (1215, 'Cannot add foreign key constraint')

django django-migrations

Django 1.8 migrations - CircularDependencyError

Django tests fails when using a specific model in a migration file

Why I can't assign new permission to group in the same migration in Django

django 1.8 tests with models and migrations

Why doesn't django dumpdata include the django_migrations table?

django django-migrations

Cannot create an instance of a model with GenericForeignKey in migration

python manage.py migrate does not make any changes in the postgres database

Django 1.7 - makemigrations creating migration for unmanaged model

How would you create a 'manual' django migration?

django django-migrations