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New posts in django-1.7

Django 1.7: Passing around unsaved instances throws "unhashable" exception

django timezone settings change does not affect model

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Django 1.7: serve a pdf -file (UnicodeDecodeError)

Django 1.7 Admin - How to hide timezone warning?

Is it possible to prefetch_related over multiple levels?

django.db.utils.IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '' for key 'slug'")

python mysql django django-1.7

Load static data on django startup using AppConfig ready method in Django 1.7

django django-1.7

Cannot create an instance of a model with GenericForeignKey in migration

Does null=True imply default=None for models?

Django 1.7 Application labels aren't unique, duplicates foo

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Postgresql database randomly crashes

Random database errors with Django 1.7, uwsgi and PostgreSQL

How to introduce unique together with conflicting data?

Django - custom admin page not related to a model

Django two self-referential foreign key [duplicate]

python django django-1.7

Cannot import name views

Updating Django template settings from 1.7 to 1.8

Easiest and quickest way to increase Django's default username max length from 30 to 75