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New posts in django-1.5

Save a list of objects in django

Django registration login redirection

Testing with a custom user model as a ForeignKey in Django 1.5

How to install Django 1.5 using pip? [closed]

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Django 1.5: Understanding of AbstractBaseUser and permissions

Django Group By Weekday?

Custom user model in django does not allow setting password in admin

Django locale enabled app always returns 404 when debug is off

django django-1.5

Django Model is saved, but returns None

Django ModelForm not saving data to database

Django Query sort case-insensitive using Model method with PostgreSQL

Add custom html to choicefield label in django

Python/Django 1.5 DatabaseWrapper thread error

Can't perform data migrations using django 1.5 Custom user class

Template Directory Path

python-2.7 django-1.5

Django 1.5: Accessing custom user model fields in models.py

How do I get Django 1.5 Custom User Model and Social Auth to work?

Reverse Not Found Error