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New posts in postgresql-9.3

Convert rfc3339 string to timestamp with timezone

How to drop all schemas in PostgreSQL with SQL query?

select from ... - based on a value in JSON format

Disabling WAL archiving during pg_restore?

how cross column correlation is handled by PostgreSQL Optimizer

PostgreSQL tsrange: is it correct for lower_inf('(-infinity,today)'::tsrange) to be false?

Postgresql ignoring index on timestamp column even if query is faster using index

Query to find second largest value from every group

PostgreSQL treating TEXT as JSON

Is it possible (how?) to return old value from "after update" trigger [duplicate]

Postgres unassigned record, is there a way to test for null?

postgresql 9.3 log slow queries

pgbench for postgresql 9.3 for centos where to find it?

postgresql postgresql-9.3

postgresql to_json() function escapes all doublequote characters

sql json postgresql-9.3

PostgreSQL 9.3: Split one column into multiple

In PostgreSQL on Windows what effect does the locale have on a database itself

postgresql postgresql-9.3

Partitioning function for continuous sequences

SQL aggregate query with one-to-many relationship with postgres

ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block --- export data from Aqua studio

Extract JSON string and cast to decimal